one thought that held my attention was trying to understand what makes people afraid to be genuine.
I consider myself to be an independent thinker, and going along with that I like to do what makes me ultimately happy... like everyone else.
However, I think that some people's happiness is dependent upon others happiness. Rather than establishing one's self concept, identity and becoming an ALLY with oneself rather than the enemy is when inner strength comes to be who you truly are, or believe to be at the time.
There is pressure in the world, I am aware to conform to the ideologies that are placed upon us all... Even the strong willed independent person that I consider myself to be I have succumbed at times to what society's idea of happiness is and tried to subscribe to that.
Trust me, what others preach about happiness is irrelevant to one's own life.
Happiness comes within...
Everyone remembers of course the whole concept of Freud's
id (pleasure)
ego (interactions with reality)
& super ego (morals, supercedes all other centers)
i assume. (google it if you're unfamiliar)
I think that where the gap stems in love from oneself is that too much emphasis is placed on the ego... rather than finding the inner strength that comes from relying upon one's own super ego. The ego focuses on the current situation in an emotional context whereas the super ego realizes the underlying perfection that is untainted by circumstance.
You are who you are... be open. be honest with yourself. love being an elephant.
love the story about when you were 5. seriously. whether it was you or someone else that is awesome. I agree. Happiness is the key to life :) LOVE YOU LAUREN!