the more that i realize that I DON'T KNOW.
The desire to travel, to explore, to immerse to live is strong.
I believe that truth isn't centrally located but rather scattered throughout and it is my job as a being to travel and gather as much TRUTH and GOOD possible.
While absolute knowledge is lacking and answers to countless questions remain left to be found, these things I do know:
1)Happiness is irrelevant to circumstance.
As humans we will ALWAYS be acted against. Within every moment we choose our reactions. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE & your happiness. Own up to the choices that you've made... the things that you can't control MAKE THE MOST OF THEM.
Stop telling yourself that:
when you lose weight
when you meet that certain someone
when you graduate
when you have children
when you finally get away
if only i had brown hair
if only my parents weren't abusive
if only someone loved me,
that you will be happy... NEWSFLASH!!!! you wont.
If you're not happy, circumstance will not make you happy from an unhappy state.
It's not when, make it now or be miserable forever.
Wants will always arise... unattainable, insatiable wants that will never dissipate.
Love yourself, be happy with what you have and you will attract more good in the world that you know what to do with.
2) Love is what it's all about
As part of the human experience the greatest thing that can be experienced is LOVE. To love, and to allow others to love you. Embracing faults, not mere acceptance and seeing others in a glorified potential of light and possibility. Loving for not one has DONE, but for who one IS. To give without expectation of receiving... then receiving it back ten fold.
Love is life. Love is a choice just as life is choice.
You CAN choose who you love.
Stop waiting for it to happen. . . start loving. It is within your control. LET GO. be vulnerable. expose yourself. It's worth it, i promise.
3) Fear is the largest handicap
Working with a vast amount of adolescents and children with "disabilities" I came to realize that IN NO WAY are they disabled. We are "diss"ing their "abilities" when really we should look to them as an example. Working at break the barriers coaching swim to children of alllll abilities, volunteering for special olympics, and tutoring adolescents in ceramics I have been around a large group of heroes and heroines. They BELIEVE in themselves, and you know what? THEY ACCOMPLISH. We left the fear of failing so often CRIPPLE US. Life is about learning how to rid yourself of fear and become what you feel within. FLOURISH. If you dont, then your whole life is wasted. Believe in yourself. Get in touch with what you really want... then DO IT. So what is you fail? Isnt not trying also a form of failure? IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN If YOU DONT TRY.
I love all of your blog posts.