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Thursday, July 30, 2009

when it becomes too much

Andy and I just MIGHT be spending a little too much time together...

we are starting to look alike!!!
hahaha gross.

Here's what we've been up to:

Newport Beach trip

The Tuckers, Bogenschutz, Lees, a Parker (tyson ha), a Beatty (Stacey), Wrights, where all there ready to party... SO much fun : )

While we were there.. we also picked up some "souvenirs"...
from Joe's Crab Shack. haha

I discovered this beauty from and ohmygoodness, FELL IN LOVE. Trader Joe's sells pizza dough for $1.29. Andy & I especially like the whole wheat variety... All you do is let it rest. roll it out. top it off. throw it in the oven... Ours looked like this: DELICIOUS. this is the beginning of TUESDAY PIZZA NIGHTS. I like making my own so you have control putting what you want on it... you can make it as healthy or unhealthy as you want : ) ENJOY.

Andy and I have also been playing alot of volleyball and a little bit of tennis... We have found a new sport there and have started training immediately...
with Parker and Dani.
Dani tried using mind games by explaining that she used to have tournaments when she played water polo, and that she was hesitant to fight because she was just worried about me...
a few seconds into the first round, 'Wow. You're strong"
Thats right... PARKER AND DANI, watch out.

OH! and andy is playing church softball... haha. It's playoffs now so I've been the cheerleader in the stands. Seriously screaming, and everyone else is silent. haha. Its fun watching all of the home runs. Thats right, he's pretty much a stud. Im sure you can tell from that picture, thank you google. I should probably bring my camera to a game...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

a summer to do

Do you have a... Favorite Summer Activity?
[please share]

Monday, July 6, 2009

the power of secret-ing

Remember THIS beauty from the last post?

Somehow I secret-ed this image into my life [ ] WHICH, I do in fact believe in. What you seek is what you will find...

Andy & I are sort of obsessed with ice cream and are frequent shoppers of Save Mart late at night. One night, a moustache machine caught our eye, but WE HAD NO QUARTERS. So, we were totally bummed but figured we'd be back soon, we really are addicted, and will remember to bring proper currency the next time. So the next time rolls around, quarter in hand... and THEY ARE OUT. Depressed, we shoved giant fruit gumballs into our mouths and walked out feeling quite dejected. Next time, same story... minus the gumballs. However, when we were busy enjoying Christmas in July ( ice skating ) WE FOUND THIS BEAUTY IN THE LOBBY. Dreams DO come true. Andy in a stache = sexi mexi. i dig.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

objects in mirror are closer than they appear

So as of lately, a few things have fallen into place.

1) I have a nanny job this summer taking care of the sweetest nine year old baby boy, Brennan. His mom Kristy, who is way awesome, works at a plastic surgery office and I recently got a complimentary, read: free, microdermabrasion. I love nanny perks.

2) Swim America is adios. Working from 7-7 just was killing me...

3) I'm working at a dental office for doctor malan, and have a new found obsession for scrubs. haha. I absolutely love it there and it has solidified my decision to become a...


Dental Hygienist

It has been something that I've been considering for a while and it finally just clicked. I wanted to see what being one would actually be like so I figured working in the environment and talking to people that actually do it would help me to make a decision. In my family, I am the go to "pseudo" dentist. I pull teeth of siblings and cousins left and right. I guess I love mouths. Here are the specs:

During a dental appointment, a hygienist typically removes soft and hard deposits from a patient's teeth; examines the gums and teeth to discern the presence of disease or oral abnormality; and strips the teeth of calculus (tartar), stains and plaque. A dental hygienist often performs as well root planing (a type of periodontal therapy), takes x-rays and applies cavity-deterring agents (fluoride or sealants).
In some regions of the US, in certain instances hygienists are permitted to administer anesthetics and perform other tasks generally attributed to a dentist, duties such as filling application, periodontal dressing, suture removal and metal restoration polishing.
A dental hygienist takes on a somewhat academic role as well; he or she educates dental patients on how to establish and maintain suitable oral hygiene, often with the aid of teeth models to give the patient a visual sense. The hygienist should leave the patient with a good understanding of proper brushing habits and the relationship between diet and oral health.

Salary can range from 60-80k.

Like I said, I work in a dental office and already I've been suited up and allowed to suction mouths. WAHOO. seriously though.. i love it : ) I have always wanted a "career" and this allows me to be as serious about one, or flexible ( part time ) as I want. This fall/winter I'll be taking dental pre-reqs then headed off to San Juaquin Valley College Visalia.

you look good today

Equating the physical body with "I," the body that is destined to grow old, wither, and die, always leads to suffering. To refrain from identifying with the body doesn't mean that you no longer care for it. If it is strong, beautiful, or vigorous, you can appreciate those attributes—while they last. You can also improve the body's condition through nutrition and exercise. If you don't equate the body with who you are, when beauty fades, vigor diminishes, or the body becomes incapacitated, this will not affect your sense of worth or identity in any way. In fact, as the body begins to weaken, the light of consciousness can shine more easily.