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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

you probably wouldn't believe this... BUT I HAVE PROOF

Just so you know...
Today is December 23, 2008 which falls under the classification of winter, as far as seasons are concerned.
Well... I WENT WAKEBOARDING with Aaron Tucker, Boris Beta, Brenden Bogenschutz & Ashley Cox.
Was it cold? unbelievably
Was it fun? you better believe it.
ohmygoodness. I love being young & "invincible" and not turning down opportunities to live a little.
In the words of Kayne, "That, that don't kill me.. can only make me stronger"
EVERYONE immediately got up and got a few good runs in.
This was this first time that girls have actually gotten in the water when the Tuckers have gone in the winter. Yay for Ashley & I. we are hardcore.
I didn't even get my hair wet... afterall I'm not THAT crazy.. haha.
i just let go when my hands felt numb and gracefully sunk into the water. lol.
Here's Brenden all red faced coming out of the water... it really was so cold.
Ashley gained 200 lbs. haha jk. Her fresno state softball parka ballooned up from the heater.
Aaron & Boris are so funny.


  1. You are crazy!!!! Come do that up here in Utah- haha.

    Why arent you here? ITS CHRISTMAS and I only have one brother here!...and no sisters!!! What the heck?

  2. haha... it was so fun.
    It'd be called snowboarding.

    I wish i was there & here at the same time. lol
    It's good to be home though.
    I'm loving it.

    How about you come here...
    There won't be any snow & that's a PROMISE.
